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A contract meant to be re-used between tranched pools to determine when payments are due using some period mapper contract that maps timestamps to real world concepts of time (months). This contract allows a user to specify how often interest payments and principal payments should come due by allowing the creator to specify the length of of interest periods and principal periods. Additionally the creator can specify how many of the principal periods are considered "grace periods"

Example: Here's a visualization of a schedule with the following parameters periodMapper = monthly periods periodsInTerm = 12 (1 year) periodsPerInterestPeriod = 3 (quarterly) periodsPerPrincipalPeriod = 6 (halfly) gracePrincipalPeriods = 1

                  +- Stub Period     +- Principal Grace Period

grace periods v v +---+-----------------------+-----------------------+ principal periods |///|=======================| 0 | |///+-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+ E interest periods |///| 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | N +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ D periods |FEB|MAR|APR|MAY|JUN|JUL|AUG|SEP|OCT|NOV|DEC|JAN|FEB| | | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10| 11| ---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+--- absolute ...| 25| 26| 27| 28| 29| 30| 31| 32| 33| 34| 35| 36| 37|... periods | | | | | | | | | | | | | | ---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+--- ^ +- start time When a borrower draws down, a "stub period" is created. This period is the remainder of the period they drew down in, but at the end of this period no payment of any kind should be due. We treat this stub period as an extension to period 0.

At the end of each interest or principal period a payment is expected. For example imagine today is Oct 10th. Your next interest payment will be the beginning of December because the current interest period, period 2, ends in december. Your next principal payment will be due at the end of February because the current principal period, period 0, ends in February. This is also the end of the loan, and so all interest and principal should be due at this time.

Because this contract is meant to be re-used between contracts, the "start time" is not stored on this contract Instead, it's passed in to each function call.


contract IPeriodMapper periodMapper

the payment date schedule


uint256 periodsInTerm

the number of periods in the term of the loan


uint256 periodsPerInterestPeriod

the number of payment periods that need to pass before interest comes due


uint256 periodsPerPrincipalPeriod

the number of payment periods that need to pass before principal comes due


uint256 gracePrincipalPeriods

the number of principal periods where no principal will be due


constructor(contract IPeriodMapper _periodMapper, uint256 _periodsInTerm, uint256 _periodsPerPrincipalPeriod, uint256 _periodsPerInterestPeriod, uint256 _gracePrincipalPeriods) public


_periodMappercontract IPeriodMappercontract that maps timestamps to periods
_periodsInTermuint256the number of periods in the term of the loan
_periodsPerPrincipalPerioduint256the number of payment periods that need to pass before principal comes due
_periodsPerInterestPerioduint256the number of payment periods that need to pass before interest comes due.
_gracePrincipalPeriodsuint256principal periods where principal will not be due


function interestPeriodAt(uint256 startTime, uint256 timestamp) public view returns (uint256)

Returns the interest period that timestamp resides in


function periodAt(uint256 startTime, uint256 timestamp) public view returns (uint256)

Returns the period that timestamp resides in


function principalPeriodAt(uint256 startTime, uint256 timestamp) public view returns (uint256)

Returns the principal period that timestamp resides in


function withinPrincipalGracePeriodAt(uint256 startTime, uint256 timestamp) public view returns (bool)

Returns true if the given timestamp resides in a principal grace period


function nextDueTimeAt(uint256 startTime, uint256 timestamp) external view returns (uint256)

Returns the next timestamp where either principal or interest will come due following timestamp


function previousDueTimeAt(uint256 startTime, uint256 timestamp) external view returns (uint256)

Returns the previous timestamp where either principal or timestamp came due


function totalPrincipalPeriods() public view returns (uint256)

Returns the total number of principal periods


function totalInterestPeriods() public view returns (uint256)

Returns the total number of interest periods


function termEndTime(uint256 startTime) external view returns (uint256)

Returns the timestamp that the term will end


function termStartTime(uint256 startTime) external view returns (uint256)

Returns the timestamp that the term began


function previousInterestDueTimeAt(uint256 startTime, uint256 timestamp) public view returns (uint256)

Returns the previous timestamp where new interest came due


function previousPrincipalDueTimeAt(uint256 startTime, uint256 timestamp) public view returns (uint256)

Returns the previous timestamp where new principal came due


function nextPrincipalDueTimeAt(uint256 startTime, uint256 timestamp) public view returns (uint256)

Returns the next time principal will come due, or the termEndTime if there are no more due times


function nextInterestDueTimeAt(uint256 startTime, uint256 timestamp) public view returns (uint256)

Returns the next time interest will come due, or the termEndTime if there are no more due times


function periodEndTime(uint256 startTime, uint256 period) public view returns (uint256)

Returns the end time of the given period.


function _termEndAbsolutePeriod(uint256 startTime) internal view returns (uint256)

Returns the absolute period that the terms will end in, accounting for the stub period


function _termStartAbsolutePeriod(uint256 startTime) internal view returns (uint256)

Returns the absolute period that the terms started in, accounting for the stub period


function _periodToPrincipalPeriod(uint256 p) internal view returns (uint256)

Convert a period to a principal period


function _periodToInterestPeriod(uint256 p) internal view returns (uint256)

Convert a period to an interest period


function _interestPeriodToPeriod(uint256 p) internal view returns (uint256)

Convert an interest period to a normal period


function _principalPeriodToPeriod(uint256 p) internal view returns (uint256)

Convert a principal period to a normal period


function _periodToAbsolutePeriod(uint256 startTime, uint256 p) internal view returns (uint256)

Convert a period to an absolute period. An absolute period is relative to the beginning of time rather than being relative to the start time


function _startOfPrincipalPeriod(uint256 startTime, uint256 principalPeriod) internal view returns (uint256)

Returns the starting timestamp of a principal period


function _startOfInterestPeriod(uint256 startTime, uint256 interestPeriod) internal view returns (uint256)

Returns the starting timestamp of an interest period